L’alumnat de 5è va començar el dia escoltant la història d’Alice in Wonderland, explicada per l’auxiliar de conversa de l’escola, la Lee. Més tard, vam distribuir els alumnes per grups i van començar a treballar tot inventant jocs per els nens i nenes de 1r, 2n i 3r de primària. Els jocs estaven destinats a treballar vocabulari específic, com ara parts del cos, números, animals, accions i d’altres temes que els alumnes estan treballant en l’assignatura d’anglès, i així aprendre-ho d’una manera més lúdica. Van crear les pautes del joc, diferents materials i instruccions per al seu desenvolupament. A la tarda, tots els alumnes es van distribuir pel pati de secundària i van rebre els alumnes de 1r, 2n i 3r amb molta il·lusió. Tots els jocs van sortir molt bé gràcies a professorat i pares que van venir a fer un cop de mà. La llengua vehicular per dur-los a terme va ser l’anglès.
A 6è vam tenir la visita de la Reina de Cors que ens va explicar el conte de l’Alícia al país de les meravelles. També ens va explicar tot el què faríem durant el dia i finalment ens va donar idees per crear un Lapbook. Durant el matí aquest personatge va anar entrant a les classes de 6è per fer-nos un cop de mà en la creació dels lapbooks, ens va repartir les escenes, ens va fer arribar plantilles, etc. Com ja teníem constància de que faríem quelcom creatiu teníem molts materials i màquines d’scrap. Tots els alumnes es van implicar, van parlar en anglès tot el matí (mitjançant un joc amb una targeta que duien a la bata) i van aprendre nou vocabulari. A la tarda va venir la Mango Company a representar l’obra de teatre “Alice in wonderland”, ja s’havia treballat anteriorment a classe i segons comentaris posteriors dels alumnes va ser molt divertida i original.
The students of 5th grade started the day with the story of Alice in Wonderland, explained by the conversation assistant of the school, Lee. Later, we distributed the students into groups and they started to work, creating games for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd students. Games were focused on reviewing some specific vocabulary, such as parts of the body, numbers, animals actions and some others topics that students have been working on during the English lessons. In that way, they are learning the vocabulary with different and entertaining activities. They created the instructions of the game and the materials. In the afternoon, all the students were distributed around the Secondary school playground. They received the 1st, 2nd and 3rd students with great enthusiasm. All games turned out great, thanks to teachers and parents who came to lend a hand. The language used during the activities was English.
In 6th grade we had the visit of the Queen of Hearts who told us the story of Alice in Wonderland . She also explained what we would all day and finally she gave us ideas to create a Lapbook . During the morning this character was going to the 6th grade classes to give us a hand in creating lapbooks, she distributed the scenes ,brought some templates, etc. As we knew we were going to do something creative we brought some scrap materials and machines . All students were involved , spoke English all morning ( with a card game ) and learnt new vocabulary . In the afternoon the Company Mango theatre came to represent the play " Alice in wonderland " which they had already worked before in class and according to students’ comments it was funny and original.
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